SMTP Server in Cloud Hosting
When you've got a cloud hosting plan with our company, you'll be able to send email messages through our SMTP server using any kind of email app as well as any device. The service is available with our plans by default, not on demand or as an optional paid add-on. You'll be able to send out email messages from anywhere using our webmail or an email client of your choice. The SMTP server also makes it possible to implement contact forms in your websites simply by incorporating the server name and your e-mail address in the form code, so you'll not have to do anything more complex than that to have a PHP mail form to function. You’ll find the needed SMTP settings inside the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel along with detailed help articles for common desktop and smart phone email clients that will enable you to troubleshoot any issue if you aren't able to send out email messages for some reason.